Dragoljub M. V. P.

der Serbe, diplomierter Vater,

Schriftsteller und Musiker

FJM home FJM music literatur srpski literatur de. i ging φιλοσοφία my movies yoga and me my guests friends
my guests my guests

my yoga gallery

Swami Sivamurti Saraswati - guitar and bouzouki

Swami Sivamurti Saraswati - a bit differently

Yoga impersonal

without blinking 13 min.

without blinking 16 min.

without blinking 20 min.

my guests

01. Ajde, ke te prašam,

02. Bog da bie, Tino

03. Bolen leži mlad Stojan

04. Bulbul pee na sabajle

05. Eleno, ќerko

06. Ja izlezi, stara majko

07. Jovano, Jovanke

08. Ќerko, koj čuka na porta?

09. Laži, laži Vere

10. Mi tovaril, kaleš Dončo

11. Nit jademe nit pieme

12. Sanoќ mi bilbil prepea

13. Što mi je milo em drago

my guests

singing in

trataka position

my movies my guests Flying Joymaker

YouTube Video:

Yoga can not make You better

Yoga can improve your body, but - you are not your body.

Yoga can improve your behavior, but you're not a seducer.

As Sadhaka or Guru you can make a theater around you,

but every game has an end.

Only with me can you comprehend Absolutely and yourself in Him.

Therefore - go to:


